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Operation Damage Control

General Shale Presents:
"Operation Damage Control"

Learn all about this special, sustainable housing project completed in Jonesborough, TN as General Shale Brick® embarked on efforts to reclad a hail damaged vinyl home with durable, safe and energy efficient thin brick. 

Scroll below to learn even more about the devastating storm damage and our partnership with the Davis family.  

General Shale Presents: "Operation Damage Control"

Learn all about this special, sustainable housing project completed in Jonesborough, TN as General Shale Brick® embarked on efforts to reclad a hail damaged vinyl home with durable, safe and energy efficient thin brick. 

Scroll below to learn even more about the devastating storm damage and our partnership with the Davis family.  

Common Severe Weather Reeks Havok On Common Siding Material

March 27th, 2021 – Jonesborough, TN experienced devastating wind and hail damage that ravaged neighborhoods, coming in with unexpected intensity. Now, those affected by the damage are faced with thousands of dollars in costly repairs and one of the most commonly used building materials for exterior siding ended up being the target of this storm: Vinyl Siding

As described in a News 5 WCYB story, homeowners articulated the visual of the neighborhood as looking like someone drove through with machine guns. As much as we tend to think “that won’t happen to my home,” it cannot be denied that severe weather is common throughout the year and in all climates. With something so common as wind and hail during any storm, the risk of damage to homes with plastic vinyl siding runs high. 7

Finding Long-Term Solutions with General Shale Brick®

After seeing the effects of the storm, General Shale Brick® recognized an opportunity to lend a hand and team up with the Davis Family. This project is inspired by the present day realities and future of thin brick as a sustainable solution to recladding the exterior of existing homes that currently do not have brick. 

Creating long-term sustainability for a home does not have to come at the cost of long-term care and unwanted maintenance after even the most common general weathering. Replacing a home with plastic vinyl will only leave it susceptible to the outcome of the next storm. Unpredictable, but historically repeatable

Homeowners who have existing vinyl or fiber cement siding should not feel left out when it comes to recladding with brick. Due to its lightweight nature, Thin Brick is suitable for almost any homes structure. Also being a product not limited due to its manufacturing process, Thin Brick offers the same durability, colors, textures, safety and energy efficiency as full-bed brick making the investment a long-term gain for your home’s value

The Davis Family

Jeremy and Kristen Davis are kin to the Jonesborough/Johnson City, TN area. Born and raised locally and now serving as a school teacher and security specialist for a local bank, Kristen and Jeremy fit the mold of a sweetheart couple, humbly living in the community that helped raise them. After investing in their first home, the couple began dreaming of ways to update the space but when the wind and hail came, those plans quickly changed. Facing thousands of dollars in repairs, any home improvement ideas were set aside. “It was so loud I had to cover my ears” said Jeremy when reacting to sitting in his home during the storm. Right on cue, Kristen replied “This would be a great time to have brick.” Follow along as we see brick transform the Davis Family’s home in the progression gallery below. 

Operation Damage Control Photo Gallery


Visit our “Brick vs Vinyl Siding” webpage for more facts and comparisons between the benefits of brick vs vinyl siding.   


Visit our “Brick vs Vinyl Siding” webpage for more facts and comparisons between the benefits of brick vs vinyl siding.   

Brick = Value. Durability. Safety.


For thin brick pricing, availability and installation questions, contact at the number below or send us a message!

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